Make an impact today

Why give?

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    Your contribution empowers us to educate the community, combat misinformation, and advocate for policies that protect the community.

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    Your contribution helps us create safe spaces where people can gather, celebrate, and heal without fear of judgement.

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    Your donation allows us to highlights stories and experiences of marginalized individuals, ensuring they are heard and represented in cultural and political conversations.

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    Your donation helps us be a hub for collaboration where we can build stronger bonds across our community.

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    Your contribution helps empower LGBTQ+ youth with tools, confidence, and resources to thrive as their authentic selves.

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    Donations help us fund vital services like peer-support programing, social events, and maintain comprehensive resources.



 FAQs *

  • Annual giving is a fancy way to say that we solicit donations and gifts year-round to do impactful work. While we will have topic-specific campaigns, like our Valentine’s Day fundraiser to grow our Legal Name Change Fund, unrestricted gifts made through the Harriet’s Heroes Annual Giving Program help sustain and enhance all facets of the Harriet Hancock Center and the work we do. 

  • Harriet’s Heroes Annual Giving Program honors our namesake, Harriet Hancock, who has been an ally, champion and staunch advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. Donations through the Harriet’s Heroes helps us invest in our organization, our partners and our community in South Carolina. Your donations help us to:

    • Host life-changing and life-saving social and peer-support programs

    • Develop more inclusive and compassionate programming

    • Maintain the Center and provide safe space for community events

    • Invest in collaborative efforts like advocacy through our coalition and work with our partners

  • By making a donation every year you will become and stay a Harriet’s Hero. Below are the areas that you can designate your support: 

    The General Fund - You give us the ability to choose how to invest these contributions into areas of greatest need.

    Social programming - This focus invests into programs that celebrate joy and connection among our community members.

    Youth and family programming - This focus invests into programs like celebrating our youth and their families.

    Educational or Advocacy-related programming - This focus allows us to develop workshops, bring in speakers, strengthen collaborations and continue to champion for our community.