Our Leadership


Matt Butler | He/Him (2024)
President (October 2023-24)

Matt works as the LGBTQ Strategist for the ACLU South Carolina. He attended the University of South Carolina where he focused on history and religious studies before beginning a career in Government Insurance Programs. Prior to his current role in the ACLU South Carolina, he worked with the South Carolina Insurance Revenue Fund for 15 years, engaging with public and private stakeholders throughout the state. Matt has invested his time with the Harriet Hancock Center in a variety of capacities, supporting the ongoing advocacy efforts within the LGBTQ+ community. 

Fun Fact: In his free time, Matt enjoys spending time with his friends, family, and his two dogs, Dolly and George.

Gerald LaMont McNair | He/Him (2023)
Vice President (October 2023-24)

Gerald contributes over 15 years of banking operations to his advocacy work and is committed to strengthening marginalized communities and fighting for issues that impact the lives of members of LGBTQ+ community. Gerald holds a B.S. in Actuarial Science from Howard University, a B.S. in Computer Information from DeVry University, and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management. He has built alliances with various stakeholders to continue advocacy efforts, evidenced by his service on the boards of the Palmetto AIDS Life Support Services, the Harriet Hancock Center, the Men of Color Health Alliance, Adodi International, and Columbian Coffee Club. Additionally, he has been involved in key public health initiatives promoting improved outcomes in the local community such as the South Carolina Ending the HIV Epidemic Steering Committee, South Carolina HIV, STD, and Viral Hepatitis Conference, the South Carolina HIV Planning Council, South Carolina HIV Criminalization Ambassador Program, the Aids Healthcare Foundation, the Women’s Rights and Empowerment Network, and the Fresh Start Ministry through Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church.

Almand Barron | She/Her (2025)
Interim Secretary and Executive Committee Person (October 2023-24)

Almand works as an attorney and has maintained a private practice exclusively in the Family Courts of South Carolina for over 25 years. Almand graduated from the University of South Carolina and continued her studies through the University of South Carolina Law School. She is Board Certified in Family Trial Advocacy by the National Board of Trial Advocacy and is a member of the Family Law Institute of the LGBTQ+ Bar. Throughout her career, Almand has represented members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Family Courts of South Carolina, and, since 2020, she has partnered with the Harriet Hancock Center to support the Change Your Name Change Your Life Clinic by providing free or low cost legal services for transgender community members seeking legal name changes.

Marc Fleurinor | He/Him (2025)
Board Member

Marc has worked within the technology industry, focusing on customer service, for over 10 years. He earned an associate degree in business from Miami Dade College in 2009 and continues to use this business foundation to support his photography studio. Marc is passionate about his role as an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, engaging in advocacy work through his involvement with the Harriet Hancock Center and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Through his advocacy work, Marc seeks to promote equity and inclusion by amplifying the voices of marginalized communities.

Fun Fact: Marc is a photographer and enjoys capturing the beauty and diversity in South Carolina.

Lisa Ridgeway | She/Her
Board Member

Lisa has worked as a mechanic for over 40 years, serving as a leader through her role as a foreman and, eventually, as a forewoman. Lisa identifies as a transgender woman and has been involved with the Harriet Hancock Center for over 10 years, first as a volunteer and now as a board member. She is passionate about the mission of the Harriet Hancock Center and has found community and meaning through her involvement with the center. Lisa currently serves as the facilitator for the Transfusion support group, serving transgender and gender non-conforming individuals in the Midlands.

Harriet Hancock | She/Her
Founder, Board Emeritus

Harriet Hancock is retired attorney who practiced in Columbia for 25 years. She is the proud mother of three, one of whom is a gay son who came out to her in the very early 80’s. She started the Columbia Chapter of Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) in 1982. She is a co-founder of Palmetto Aids Life Support Services of South Carolina in 1985 and a co-founder of the South Carolina Gay and Lesbian Pride Movement (SCGLPM) in 1990. She was instrumental in acquiring the Harriet Hancock Center in 1994.